#sociology Varun RajaMadras University, ChennaiWhich of the following was primarily responsible for the end of the Great Depression?The development of a war economyRafael FoxUniversity of TexasWhich of the following would be the best example of the type of consumer goods that were in demand when the Second World War ended?AutomobilesViola GreyUniversity of TorontoThe United States economy during the Second World War could be most accurately described as a?managed economy.Kelly BaldwinHolly Cross, WorcesterWhich of the following would have been the likely result of the repeal of Section 14(b)?An increase in union powerAlexis MonaccoEcole Normale Superieure, ParisWhich of the following would be the best example of a “technological miracle” achieved during the Second World War?The invention of radarZach LymanBoston CollegeJudging from the way GNP statistics are used in this passage, it can be concluded that one of the primary purposes of the GNP figures is to analyze?Economic trends.Dante RicottaNotre Dame UniversityThe $800 increase in real income enjoyed by the average family between 1941 and 1946 was primarily the result of?Rising wages and government-controlled prices.Viola GreyUniversity of TorontoBased on information, it could be concluded that an important factor in the growth of the United States economy in the middle of the twentieth century was?The rise of consumer spending after the war.Jane WilliamsSyracuse UniversityWho is the world's second richest person according to 2009 Forbes billionares list?Warren BuffettVikram MehtaIIT-MadrasWhich is the most appropriate cause of exports surplus?Developments in national and international markets Load More Info Questions 283 Similar #communication#fine-arts#philosophy#psychology#religion Hot questions eeeeeeeeee